7 Common Types of Mold in Homes

Facebook Google Linkedin Instagram 7 Common Types of Mold in Homes Mold isn’t just unsightly. It can prove to be a serious health hazard if left untreated. Various mold species can grow undetected for weeks, months, or even years in homes all year round. Mold spores are known to have an adverse impact on the […]
Eco-Friendly Ways to Renovate Your Home

Eco-Friendly Ways to Renovate Your Home October 13, 2020 | Tanya Mayer, Guest Poster Proper home insulation is key in having an eco-friendly, energy-efficient home. The rule is – the better insulated your home is, the better protection it will have from the elements. It will also cut your energy bill and save you money in […]
5 Energy Efficiency Improvements Your Home Needs in 2020

Facebook Google Linkedin Instagram 5 Energy Efficiency Improvements Your Home Needs in 2020 Sustainable homes are not just a design buzzword nowadays, but something any homeowner can benefit from. Home energy management and sustainable design has been around for a while, but it has only become popular with the introduction of accessible energy alternatives. In […]
How Healthy and Costly Are the Most Used Insulation Types?

Facebook Google Linkedin Instagram How Healthy and Costly Are the Most Used Insulation Types? More than 90% of homes in the U.S. are underinsulated, meaning they do not have the recommended amount of insulation for their climate. Due to this and continued rising energy costs, more homeowners are looking at installing insulation in their homes […]